Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Like Mother...

Like Daughter

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I took some great pictures of the family I just have to share!!!

Navajo Lake...

We had a great reunion last week. It was so nice to just relax and enjoy the beauty of Cedar mountain.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hellooo... It's me again Margret.... he he he are ya nekid???? I couldn't resist. I love Ray Stevens.

I was just looking at everyones blogs and feeling like a slacker for not posting. So I thought...what the heck. Why not surprise everyone and just do it.

This week I was called to the Y.W. I am now the beehive adviser. I haven't been in Y.W. since i was actually in there. I'm excited tho. It's gong to be fun being with Chylie and watching her grow. I think I got gypted tho. girls camp was last week. But thats ok. I have lots more to come
I'm sure.
Chai is still enjoying his job at the youth home. He even got employee of the month... Which is kindof funny because they put him at a desk now so he isnt really "with" the kids anymore. just kindof overseeing everyone. But they must like him sitting on his butt all day and bossing people around on the radios.... whatever

Monday, April 6, 2009

reunion pics...

This reminds me of Grandpa! I love it! I have more if anyone wants

pinewood derby time!

Way to go Jaxon! It was pinewood derby this week and Jaxon did great! He did a really good job on his car designing it and decorating it himself. He went with stickers this year. They said things like "boys and their toys." and "boys will be boys."He won two ribblns. A third place and Best of show. And the dads were all nice.:)

more spring pics...

I'm still figuring out how to do this stuff. I think I have it now, so if you want to comment on my blog now that would be cool....

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thanks everyone for the comments! It has taken me this long to figure out how to do new postings...its all Mickies fault..she should know better than to take a family vacation without asking me if I might need something first! But I'm ok now. she is back...Now i need her to teach me how to add pictures...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hi everyone!

I know its amazing that i have finally joined the world of blogging... we finally got a "real" computer. and mickie threatened my life.... so what choice did i really have.LOL

Just a little update on my life...

Chai and i still live in LaVerkin and actually love it.. growing up in Hurricane i didnt ever think i would want to live here. But now that i do i think i'll stay.

We are in an awesome ward and great neighborhood.

Our five kids are growing so fast its scary. Braidon only has 3 more years before his mission!!! I am definately not ready to think about that yet. I have to try to get him through high school first. Chai is working at the Cross Creek boys home and really enjoying it. He is really good with the boys there and is learning so much. It really makes us even more greatful for the great kids we have. We are so blessed.

We both have callings in the ward. We teach the 13-14 year old class. Now that is a challenge. There are 15 of them and Dylan and Chylie are among them. It's fun having them in our class but I dont know what the Lord was thinking when he called me to teach them... I do better in the nursery.:) But i figure there is something i need to learn,... i just wish i would hurry and learn it. Chai also teaches the Elders and does such a great job teaching. I keep telling him it's his turn for the sunday school lesson but he wont ever believe me. the brat.

I hope my blog will be interesting for all to look will always be a work in progress as i learn to use my new computer and learn to figure out how to blog... i am so computer illiterate it is embarrassing! At least thats what my kids tell me.... So if any of you have any suggestions for me feel free to share!